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Well S***, What Are Y'all Doing?


What's going on folks? Long time, no hear from - I know I've been AWAL, but a lot has been going on. 

I essentially just finished my first semester of grad school, and it went about how you would expect. I feel like I just got jumped by a bunch of kangaroos on steroids - but I made it with all A's so that's good! It has been a very stressful experience moving to Maryland from Rhode Island - and it is only about 5 months in the making of my life here. Currently, I would not say that I am particularly enjoying my MD experience - but I will make due until I obtain my degree. 

I've met some pretty nice people in my cohort so far, but I still have not managed to go out much other than to school, or to babysit so that I can pay my rent. The job market is very difficult right now, even with a bachelors and a decorated resume. I've applied to just about anywhere that accepts my medical and clerical experience. I got a few interviews, but ultimately all went KAPUT!. I think at one point I even applied to Ross (not too much of a big shot to do retail again lol), and even they sent me a declination letter. Too overqualified, or something like that. 

Go figure. 

Anyway, enough about me - I want to hear from the few people who read my content. I know that a lot is happening in the world right now, and I would love some suggestions of what you guys want to discuss. Feel free to interact and leave a comment. Everybody needs somebody, you know? 

Be kind. Be caring. Be true. Talk to y'all soon!

- Ali


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