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Showing posts from February, 2024

A Letter to Martin Scorsese

Letter to the DIRECTOR... Hey! Today is February 23rd, and I've been up all night. In the wee hours, I prayed and read my Bible, as it's believed that these times of the day or night are when God can speak more clearly to you due to the lack of daily obligations and distractions. Anyway, I'm about to try and update my car, even though I'm broke (as a joke ha!). So, I was going through my documents to make sure that I had my title readily available. While doing so, I found one of the papers I wrote during my time in undergrad. It was for an elective film class I took in the Fall of 2019 when I was still a freshman. It's funny because every now and then, I think about how fun that class was and how much it sparked my interest in cinema and writing about things that matter to me. At that time, I even considered trying to get into film school to learn more about the craft, but you know, practicality and life got in the way. Anyway, I read one of my papers, and it was ab